Our favourite sleep technology products - plus tips for a great night's rest

Maintain your health and physical fitness by boosting your sleep quality.

Many of us underestimate the power of a great night’s sleep. We also think that our regular sleeping patterns work just fine, but the truth is that we don’t achieve the highest quality sleep we can.

To help you achieve a greater level of sleep hygiene starting tonight, here’s a quick checklist of tips that you can follow:

  • Limit your nap time to 30 minutes and only nap before 3pm.
  • Dim the lights and regulate your bedroom’s temperature for a better sleeping environment.
  • Exercise each day. A short aerobic or cardio session greatly improves sleep.
  • Reduce stimulation. Cut down on your intake of caffeine and avoid late meals. Turn off the TV and leave your phone alone as they disrupt the initiation of sleep.
  • Develop a bedtime routine and stick to it each night.
  • Only go to bed when you’re actually tired. Otherwise, you will be restless and frustrated.

We pride ourselves on being sleep specialists at Harvey Norman, and we’re always looking to add the latest inventions in sleep technology to our already extensive range of bedding products. Here are two of our favourite sleep-friendly products…

Sleepace Sleep Dot Mini Sleep Tracker, €49

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Track your nightly sleep cycles with ease. By simply attaching the Sleep Dot to the upper corner of your pillow, you can accurately measure your heart rate, breath rate and body movement, along with your ratio of light, mid and deep sleep throughout each night.

B-Sensible Polaris Mattress Protector, €70

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Have the coolest sleep of your life with our Polaris Mattress Protector. This protector is made using Dermofresh Cool technology, exclusive to Harvey Norman in Ireland. Reach your optimum sleep temperature, fall asleep faster and enjoy a more comfortable night’s sleep. The protector is waterproof and breathable at the same time, and will even protect your mattress from dust mites and bed bugs.

Explore Harvey Norman’s full Sleep Wellbeing range right here.

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