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# towns

This year
Quiz: How well do you know these stops and towns on the Dublin-Wexford train line?
All time
QUIZ: Can you name the Irish town from above?
Quiz: What Irish town or village is this main street in?
'Austerity cost lives': Drink driving convictions in Ireland fell MASSIVELY in the last 10 years
Struck again: Italy hit by three earthquakes in one hour
People trying to 'covertly evade bin charges' are making our towns and cities dirtier
'There will be people lying in doorways and parks this Christmas': Homelessness in regional towns
'We couldn't go home for five months after the floods. We're in fear it could happen again'
Woman gives birth on board migrant boat in the Mediterranean
Good news - super, incredibly fast broadband is on its way to 350 towns in Ireland
These ghostly photos show the buildings the Celtic Tiger abandoned
How many Ballyduffs are there? What about Ballymurphys?
Over 30 syringes found in a boarded up council house
Cavan is the cleanest town in Ireland - where does your town rank?
This unusual building is where one town council holds its meetings…
Column: It's time to tackle decline in rural Ireland
John Verling
Column: Let’s address Ireland’s problems this year, as well as our own
Barry Flinn
Column: The ‘night economy’ is crucial to the survival of Irish towns
Richard Guiney
Purple marks the safe spot: Senator calls for introduction of flag system
Litter Warden: how is your town doing?
The hidden gems of Dublin architecture