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property magazine

Selling your house in 2016? Here's what you need to do

Get your camera ready.

THE NEW YEAR is generally a time for assessment and action.

If the action you want to take this year is selling your house, you’re in luck: we’ve rounded up some great tips to help you maximise your opportunity to present your house in the best possible light – and hopefully sell it for the best price.

Good luck.

Take good photos

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Good photos cannot be emphasised enough when it comes to selling your property. Buying a property is a massive investment for someone to make, so if the photos aren’t up to scratch, they’re going to scroll past your house straight onto another one with better photos.

You want to represent your house in the best possible way, so if you are not confident in your photo-taking skills it would be worth hiring a professional to do it for you.

Great description

Guudmorning! Guudmorning!

The next most-important way to show someone how beautiful and desirable your house is, is to describe it well. The language doesn’t have to be flowery – but it does need to convey all the best features of your house.

If your house has had any recent modifications and improvements, you can include them. If you’ve just redone your kitchen or bathrooms – mention that. New boiler? In it goes.

Think what you’d like to read if you were on the hunt for a new house and put that in.

Add your viewing dates

DafneCholet DafneCholet

When you’re listing your property on a website such as it’s important to put your viewing dates in – this means that you will show up in more searches.

You can tinker around with your listing once you’ve done it, if it needs improving. Changing the photos or the description might help if you’re not getting any bites.

Share, share, share

Social Media apps Jason A. Howie Jason A. Howie

The best way to have your property reach as many people as possible is to share it on your social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter.

Be careful not to spam your friends – they’re not likely to buy your house, but ask them to share the post and who knows who might see it.

Read: This six-bedroom house in Arklow is up for grabs

Also: There will soon be 68 new homes for Wicklow town