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# factcheck

This week
21st July 2024 - 27th July 2024
'Unlikely to survive the night': False rumours about Joe Biden's demise are going viral online
Debunked: Ursula von der Leyen's husband is not the director of a company owned by Pfizer
Last week
14th July 2024 - 27th July 2024
Debunked: Bus company refutes claims it wouldn't drive 150 asylum seekers into Coolock site
Coolock: Disinformation included claims about 'unvetted males' and 'white destruction'
This month
July 2024
FactCheck: Do two new PESCO projects mean Irish troops will be sent off to fight?
FactCheck: Tánaiste says First Home Scheme can't be used for Oscar Traynor Road affordable homes
Debunked: A comparison of US temperatures in May 1896 and May 2024 is misleading
Last month
June 2024
Debunked: Condensation trails after airplanes aren't signs of intentional climate modification
Debunked: Visiting restrictions at Tallaght Hospital are due to viruses, despite conspiracy theories
FactCheck: How many times did the Dáil discuss the EU Nature Restoration Law?
Newly elected MEP Ciaran Mullooly claims the law was not properly scrutinised by TDs.
Debunked: Why terms like 'illegals' and 'people trafficking' mischaracterise the asylum system
Debunked: Ireland has not agreed to 'arrest citizens who speak out against the Bird Flu vaccine’
Debunked: A US appeals court did not rule that mRNA shots are not really 'vaccines'
Debunked: Fabricated quotes and made-up commentators feature in 'vote-rigging' news story
20 years of legal migrant voting in Ireland but conspiracies about it are being shared online
Debunked: Child sexual abuse material still illegal in Germany despite decriminalisation claims
How Ireland's non-white election candidates are targeted with misinformation and racist abuse
May 2024
Debunked: High Court did not rule that ‘illegal immigrants should be paid €318 per week’
Debunked: Image of burning house in rural Ireland is AI-generated and not a real arson attack
Debunked: Man charged with alleged knife offences in Dublin was Irish, not a foreign national
Debunked: One political party's false election claims on immigration, neutrality and NATO
A leaflet by Ireland First contains a number of inaccuracies.
The disinfluencers: How over 150 anonymous 'Irish' accounts are swamping X with extreme views
The accounts could be part of a wider ‘influence operation’ in Ireland.
An analysis of anonymous accounts on the platform formerly known as Twitter found a potential 'influence operation' ahead of the June elections.
Some accounts showed signs of being operated by non-Irish users, despite claiming to be Irish and posting almost exclusively about Irish political issues.
X policy states that accounts should not "pose as someone who doesn’t exist to mislead others".
Debunked: Hoax claim that wife of man who shot Slovakia PM Robert Fico is a Ukrainian refugee
Debunked: The number of 'illegally present immigrants' in Ireland last year was not 10 times the EU average
Debunked: Police at Newtownmountkennedy clashes were Gardaí, not PSNI officers
Debunked: Deepfaked Michael O’Leary appears in scam ad pushing financial platform ‘Ryan Chain’
April 2024
Debunked: Image of Garda standoff shared after Newtownmountkennedy protests is AI-generated
Debunked: The Ukraine Credit Guarantee Scheme is not closed to Irish businesses. It's for them.
FactCheck: Did Sinn Féin really propose spending €500m less on health than the Government?
The claim was made by Taoiseach Simon Harris last week in the Dáil.
Debunked: Posts ‘as Gaeilge’ among more than 100 scam ads featuring presenter Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh
The Journal FactCheck launches new resource around Ireland's biggest talking points
Debunked: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy did not buy a British Royal residence
Debunked: Nazis falsely identified as members of Ursula von der Leyen’s family
Debunked: No, the European Union has not told Ireland to delay a general election
FactCheck: Are psychiatric patients in Canada given leaflets for assisted dying when they go to A&E?
Debunked: Posts advertising free online further education certificate courses are a scam
Debunked: Fake frame from Simpsons episode used to say show predicted Baltimore bridge disaster
March 2024
Debunked: A historical chart in an old IPCC report does not show that climate change is a hoax
Debunked: ‘Ireland will change forever’ conspiracy meme is contradictory and nonsensical
Debunked: Chart used to criticise Dublin actually shows ranking for homelessness services