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# michael o'connor

Last year
'It seems we're at a table and any scraps left are going to the League of Ireland'
All time
Manning on target and Obafemi returns as Swansea down Hull on busy day for Irish
O'Connor snapped up by Shelbourne following brief Scottish Premiership stint
Former Dundalk and Shamrock Rovers striker cuts short spell in Scotland
Former Ireland underage striker swaps Waterford for Scottish Premiership
Ireland underage international goes on trial with Hibs
Former PSG midfielder Hery leaves Waterford for Linfield as Ireland U21 striker arrives on loan
'It was just blown up to say that I wanted to declare for Northern Ireland'
'It is the right decision for me': Dundalk-born striker O'Connor declares for Northern Ireland
'That’s the first time I've seen Tallaght like that in 4 or 5 years'
Shamrock Rovers capture highly-rated young striker from Dundalk
Schoolkids from Cork just made 'Lego 1916 The Movie' and it's totally amazing
Schoolkids from Cork just made 'Lego 1916 The Movie' and it's totally amazing