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evening fix

Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday

A Celbridge death, eviction threats and Russian air strikes had people talking.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round up of today’s news.

30/9/2015. Homeless families Crisis Amy Brennan from Blanchardstown, who has been homeless since June with her two children, at a protest against the housing crisis outside Leinster House.



Greece Migrants An elderly Afghan woman waits for a bus after arriving in Athens from the Greek island of Lesbos. Associated Press Associated Press

#SYRIA: Russia carried out its first air strikes in the country, targeting opponents of President Bashar al-Assad.

#INDIA: Five men were sentenced to death for their involvement in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings, which killed nearly 200 people.

#CHINA: Six people were killed when 15 suspected letter bombs exploded in the Guangxi region.

#US: Georgia executed its first woman in 70 years, despite an appeal for clemency by Pope Francis.


  • Have recorded videos left your phone with no memory space? Here’s some advice on making them smaller.
  • A man paralysed in both legs was able to use mind control to walk for the first time in five years. (New Scientist)
  • Researchers in the US have developed a brain prosthesis that could help people suffering from memory loss. (Science Daily)


Transgender woman Courtney Demone knew when she began taking hormones that Facebook would likely censor pictures of her breasts when they’re fully grown. Now, she’s urging other women to joining a social media campaign called #FreeTheNipple. (Mashable)