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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…

EVERY EVENING, brings you the five big news stories you need to know before you head out the door.

1. #STEPPING DOWN: Joan Burton has announced her resignation as leader of the Labour Party.

2. #SHOOTING UP: The average monthly rent in Ireland has surpassed €1,000 for the first time since 2008.

3. #ALLAHU AKBAR: Police in Manchester have apologised after a man was shown shouting an Islamic religious phrase during a mock terror attack.

4. #COURTS: The wife of Dave Mahon, who has last week convicted of manslaughter, has settled a damages claim against Irish Water.

5. #DAN MURRAY: A murder investigation is under way in the North after a delivery driver in his 50s was shot dead as he sat in a car in west Belfast last night.