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Members of the orthodox Jewish community gather near a poster with information about Leiby Kletzky today Robert Mecea/AP/Press Association Images

Missing boy's body found in refrigerator

The body of an 8-year-old boy who went missing in New York last week has been found dismembered in a man’s apartment.

THE TRAGIC STORY of what happened to eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky after he went missing on his way home from a day camp is beginning to be unveiled by police.

Body parts identified believed to be the young boy’s were found in the apartment of a 35-year-old stranger who police think he asked for directions.

Kletzky went missing in Brooklyn on Monday after getting lost while walking home from a day camp.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced Wednesday that a 35-year-old suspect had been arrested after the remains of the missing boy were discovered inside the man’s refrigerator.

Levi Aron was taken into custody early Wednesday morning by detectives.

Kelly says Aron “made statements implicating himself in the boy’s death”.

Investigators tracked Aron with the help of surveillance video that showed him being approached by Kletzky.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, the man’s house – where he lived with his parents – was just a mile from the young boy’s house.

- Additional reporting by AP

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