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Property News
This week's vital property news: Mortgage complaints and a long-awaited price drop
Rising rental costs are making people share rooms with strangers
Viewings this Weekend
5 properties to view this weekend... outside of Dublin
5 properties to view this weekend... in Dublin
Homes for Sale
What else could I get for the pricetag on ... this €500,000 home
South of the river: The 8 best apartments on Dublin's southside
Here's our pick of the homes in the south of Dublin city
Take 4: Homes for every budget around Ireland
North of the river: The 8 best apartments on Dublin's northside
Here's our pick of the homes in the north of Dublin city
Peek into a three-storey wonder on a very prestigious road
Around the House
Is buying a house abroad still a risky move?
Studio of light an awe-inspiring surprise in red-bricked Ranelagh
Building a house where the parking space is meant to be