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The Daily Poll

Poll: Should acting awards scrap 'male' and 'female' categories?

There have been previous suggestions to combine the Oscars’ male and female categories into one.

DO YOU THINK acting awards for film and television should get rid of ‘male’ and ‘female’ categories and be gender-neutral?

Last night, actor Emma Watson received the first gender-neutral award at the MTV TV and Movie Awards for her role as Belle in Beauty and the Beast.

But the British public seems divided on whether this is a good idea. A YouGov poll found that 32% of Brits think MTV scrapping the ‘male’ and ‘female’ categories at its awards is a good idea, while 27% think it’s a bad idea.

So we’re asking, Do you think acting awards should get rid of ‘male’ and ‘female’ categories?

Poll Results:

No (7651)
Yes (3409)
I don't know (727)

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