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Child dies in Dublin hospital from case of swine flu

The HSE confirmed the death this evening.

A CHILD HAS died in a Dublin hospital in the last week after being diagnosed with the H1N1 strain of influenza.

The HSE confirmed the death this evening. The child is not from the Dublin area.

The strain, commonly referred to as swine flu, has led to a number of deaths throughout the world.

The HSE said that flu rates continue to rise and are expected to do so for one or two more weeks.

“Those who have not got a vaccine at this stage are encouraged to do so as the vaccine covers the virus that is around at the moment,” the organisation said in a statement.


In 2009, a flu pandemic was declared due to the H1N1 strain.

There was a shortage of vaccines at the time and a number of people died around the world as a result of the virus.

The winter flu vaccination contains protections against swine flu. At risk groups in particular are advised to get vaccinated against the flu.

The HSE has said previously that there is no need for undue alarm in relation to the virus.

Anyone who gets the flu is advised to to look after themselves and to contact their GP if symptoms worsen.

Read: Four people with ‘swine flu’ have been admitted to hospital

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