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Harold's Cross

Gardaí renew appeal for witnesses after 'serious assault' in Dublin last night

A man is in a serious condition in St James’ Hospital.

Updated at 12.23pm

GARDAÍ HAVE RENEWED their appeal for witnesses after a man was seriously assaulted in Dublin early this morning.

Gardaí and ambulance services were called to an incident outside Park View apartments, directly across from Harold’s Cross park on the south side of the city just after 4am this morning.

They discovered a 57-year-old man who was injured after what they believe to be an assault.

He was taken to St James’ Hospital where he is said to be in a serious condition.

Gardaí believe that the suspect may have left the scene in the direction of Terenure and are examining CCTV in the area and carrying out door to door enquiries.

They are asking anyone who witnessed the event or who was in the area between Harold’s Cross Bridge and Terenure between 3.30 and 4am to contact them.

People can contact gardaí at Rathmines Garda Station on 01-6666700.

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