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Entrance to the Arklow Bay Hotel. Google Maps

Investigation launched after teenager 'exposes himself to hotel kids' club'

The incident happened at around 9pm last night.

GARDAI WERE CALLED to a hotel last night after it was alleged a teenager exposed himself to a group of children.

A large number of children were present at the Arklow Bay Hotel in Wicklow last night when two people entered the premises.

It is alleged that one knocked on a window while the other stripped so that his bottom half was naked.

A number of children saw the teenager without any trousers and became distressed. Gardai were then called.

A spokesman said: “Gardaí at Arklow are investigating an incident which was reported at 9pm at a premises on Sea Road in Arklow, Wicklow on 23 February 2017. CCTV will be viewed as part of the investigation.”

A number of parents had been taking advantage of a social club which allows them to relax in the hotel bar while their children are cared for by an adult.

One parent, who did not wish to be named, said that he had been having a few drinks with his partner when his child was brought to him from the kids’ club.

“The woman said my kid wanted to come back and that I had to sign her out,” he said. “So then I ask her ‘what’s wrong? Why do you want to leave?’ and that’s when she told me that a boy had pulled down his pants and his underwear down to his ankle and was showing himself off. This guy wouldn’t have been a child, he would have been a bit older.”

The father said there would have been children as young as six years old who would have witnessed what happened.

“It is scary to think that he’d expose himself to children as young as that. It’s frightening to think.” contacted the hotel a number of times this morning and had asked for a statement. There was no official comment made available at time of publication.

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