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clear as mud

'The Taoiseach is too slow and too mesmerised': Gerry Adams calls for Brexit clarity

Gerry Adams also accused the British government of threatening Sinn Féin with the prospect of another election.

GERRY ADAMS HAS called on Enda Kenny to get tough with the UK and to clarify what consequences Brexit will have on the North.

Speaking at Sinn Féin’s Ard Comhairle in Dublin today, Adams said the British are continuing with their plan to impose Brexit, regardless of the views of people of Ireland north and south.

Adams welcomed the fact that Enda Kenny expressed his impatience over the lack of clarity from Britain.

“I welcome his remarks, but, as usual, the Taoiseach is too slow and too mesmerised about what the British government is doing.

“The Taoiseach needs to stop waiting for the British government. I know he is engaging with EU partners, but he must act in our national interest, at European level, to secure special designated status for the north within the EU. That is the consensus of the majority of parties north and south.”

Responding to questions on the threat by James Brokenshire to call another election, Gerry Adams said that it is a sign that Westminster is threatening republicans with an election.

He added: “Back in the day, the threat was martial law, internment, censorship, and lead and plastic bullets. So, Mr Brokenshire’s threat is progress.”

Earlier this month, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) just about scraped into first place in the Assembly elections. It marked a first in Northern Irish politics – for the first time ever, unionist parties do not command a majority leadership in Stormont.

Sinn Féin had its best results ever in the election with 27 of the 90 seats.

The vote was called to resolve a political stalemate between historical rivals DUP and Sinn Fein, but they will have to try to work together again to form a new power-sharing government.

The election could potentially bring Northern Ireland back under direct rule unless the DUP and Sinn Féin can break the deadlock.

There was a 64.8% turnout – the highest since the first vote after the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. There was a 55% turnout in the 2016 election.

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