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Two men charged in connection with the death of Irishman Dylan Crawford

Dylan Crawford was found unconscious in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Dylan Dylan Crawford

Updated 12.24

POLICE IN MANCHESTER have charged two men in connection with the death of 20-year-old Donegal man Dylan Crawford.

Crawford was found unconscious on Spear Street in the city at around 1.40am last Wednesday morning. He died a short time later.

38-year-old Ibrahim Amin of no fixed address has been charged with theft and 32-year-old Abdi Hassan, also of no fixed address, has been charged with handling a stolen card and fraud.

Both have been remanded into custody to appear at Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court later today.

An investigation has been launched and enquiries are ongoing.

Additional reporting Cianan Brennan

Comments are closed as legal proceedings are now under way

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