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The Daily Poll

Poll: Which party would you vote for in the UK general election?

Latest polls show Theresa May’s Conservative Party still have a commanding lead over Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour.

CAMPAIGNING IS SET resume today in the UK general election following Monday night’s terrorist attack in Manchester.

Latest polls show Theresa May’s Conservative Party still has a commanding lead over Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour.

However a recent YouGov poll has shown that Labour has narrowed the gap to just five points, a significant reduction from when the election was first called in April.

UK voters on 8 June will vote for vastly different visions of Britain’s future.

Other parties in the mix include the Liberal Democrats and Ukip, who have failed to capitalise on any of the post-Brexit voter sentiment and are polling on just 4%.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) currently has the third highest number of seats in parliament, but is focussed solely in Scotland.

So if you were in the UK, which would be your party of choice?

Today we’re asking: Which party would you vote for in the UK general election?

Poll Results:

Labour (6238)
The Liberal Democrats (2229)
The Conservatives (2134)
SNP (1245)
 Other (729)
Ukip (636)

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