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Tina Satchwell. Gardaí
Renewed Appeal

Gardaí concerned for ‘serious high risk missing person’ Tina Satchwell

“We don’t want to alarm anyone but we are very concerned for her safety.”

THE GARDAÍ HAVE said that they are very concerned for the safety of missing Cork woman Tina Satchwell whom a detective investigating the case has described as a “serious high risk missing person.”

Detective Sergeant Sean Leahy of Midleton Garda Station said they are keeping an open mind regarding the wherabouts of the 45-year-old woman who went missing from her home in Youghal, Co Cork, more than three months ago.

Detective Sergeant Leahy said Gardaí are familiar with Tina’s movements until her disappearance some time between 10am and midday on 20 March when her husband Richard returned home and found she was not there.

The detective made the comments to following an emotional appeal from Richard Satchwell on RTE’s Crimecall last night.

In the programme, Richard described the last time he saw his wife:

She came downstairs. I gave her a cup of tea and a slice of toast. Then she asked if I’d go over to Dungarvan. I gave her a peck, and said I’d see her in a couple of hours.


Detective Leahy said the investigation remains a missing person case. They are “keeping an open mind” as to what happened to Mrs Satchwell, he said.

“She would have left sometime between 10 and 12. Roughly at 12 her husband returned home and found her keys in the hall and her phone was on the table,” he said.

At this stage we don’t want to alarm anyone but we are very concerned for her safety. We would consider her a serious high risk missing person.

Gardaí have trawled CCTV footage and bank and phone records in an effort to trace Tina’s movements. A house in Youghal was also searched as part of the investigation.

Speaking on Crimecall Richard said he made enquiries with his wife’s family. Four days after she went missing, he reported the disappearance to gardaí.

In the emotional public appeal he said:

Tina come home, there’s nobody mad at you. My arms are open. The pets are missing you. I just can’t go on not knowing. Even if you just ring the guards, let people know that you’re alright.

Tina Satchwell is described as 5ft 6in tall, of medium build with blonde shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. Relatives have said it is very unlike her to disappear in this manner.

“It’s very out of character for her. I wouldn’t feel she’d go anywhere on her own. She’s not a person who would do that,” Tina’s aunt, Margaret Maher, told Crimecall.

Detective Sergeant Leahy said gardaí had received a number of calls in response to their renewed appeal this week, and he thanked the public for their assistance.

Gardaí are appealing for anybody with information to contact Midleton Garda Station on (021) 4621550, the Garda Confidential line 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.

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Read: ‘Tina, come home’: Husband of missing woman makes emotional appeal >

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