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Gardaí use golf buggy to track two Afghani asylum seekers who escaped onto Irish course

The men managed to stow themselves away on a truck headed to Wicklow.

GARDAÍ USED A golf buggy to chase after two Afghani refugees who escaped from the back of a truck and were running through a Wicklow golf course.

Two refugees, who had stowed themselves away on an Irish-bound truck from Cherbourg in France, ran out after the truck’s doors were opened when it arrived at a premises in Roundwood, Wicklow, on Tuesday morning.

The men managed to make their way onto a golf course and were spotted by a couple of people who were playing at the time.

Gardaí arrived on the scene and were told by those using the course that two men matching the refugees’ description were seen running down the first fairway.

Officers then decided to give chase using a golf buggy.

After about a half an hour, officers managed to apprehend the men. They were said to be in good health, despite one of them not having any shoes or socks.

The refugees told officers that they had waited at Cherbourg until they saw a van which they were able to sneak on to. It is understood the van was carrying a load of marble.

Gardaí said they arrested two men who were then brought to Wicklow garda station.

The refugees have now been brought to a Dublin garda station where their applications for asylum are now being processed.

When a refugee is arrested, he or she will apply for asylum status. As they wait for their application to be accepted or denied, the person will be placed in a Direct Provision centre.

Most of the people seeking asylum here are fleeing war and persecution in areas such as the Middle East and northern Africa.

Many of these migrants have crossed into Europe by travelling in unsafe boats to shores in Greece and Italy. From there, many make their way through Europe before stopping at France. The ports of Calais and Cherbourg are seen by the refugees as prime spots to try to jump on board a truck destined for the UK and Ireland.

When the people are discovered, they will be processed.

The definition of a refugee in Ireland is: “A person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group, is outside his or her country of nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country, or a stateless person, who, being outside of the country of former habitual residence for the same reasons as mentioned above, is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to return to it.”

The people are placed in Direct Provision centres as they wait for their application to be processed.

In total, there are 4,300 people, including 1,500 children, currently living in over 30 centres across the country.

Read: Revenue seizes 230,000 cigarettes and 160 kilos of tobacco in Dublin >

Read: BAI rejects complaints over Rubberbandit calling communion ‘haunted bread’ on the Late Late Show >

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