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Stella the sniffer dog helped seize €140k worth of cannabis in Portlaoise today

The drugs were addressed to a property in Wicklow.

Stella - Cropped Stella the sniffer dog. Revenue Revenue

REVENUE OFFICERS TODAY seized 8kg of cannabis with the help of sniffer dog Stella.

Officers at Portlaoise Mail Centre found the drugs, which have an estimated street value of €160,000, when detector dog, Stella, gave a positive indication on a parcel that had been consigned from Romania to an address in Wicklow.

A revenue spokeswoman said: “Investigations are ongoing with a view to prosecution. If you have any information about smuggling, contact Revenue’s Confidential Freephone 1800 295 295.”

Read: Sniffer dogs help discover 8,000 cigarettes and €15k in cash >

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