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UK bookshop selling tea towels saying 'F*** the DUP'

Housmans Bookshop calls itself a “long-running radical bookshop”.

A LONDON BOOKSHOP is selling tea towels branded with a crude message against the DUP.

Housmans bookshop shared a picture on Twitter of the white towel with the words “Fuck the DUP” printed in block pink lettering.

The UK bookshop, founded in 1945, calls itself a “long-running radical bookshop selling new and secondhand publications on progressive politics”.

Housmans Bookshop Housmans Books / Twitter Housmans Books / Twitter / Twitter

The DUP’s profile in Great Britain has been elevated after its leader Arlene Foster and the British Prime Minister Theresa May struck a deal to form a coalition government after the UK general election in June.

The party has met quite a bit of opposition for its social policy stances, including its stance against marriage equality and liberalising abortion laws in the North.

The DUP sent the following statement in response to the product: ”Such a product is clearly offensive and we are concerned about the spread of such intolerance.”

The book store hasn’t released a statement on the issue since the DUP commented. has contacted the DUP for comment.

Read: DUP’s Sammy Wilson in scathing attack on ‘cynical, aggressive and green’ Varadkar and Coveney

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