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Stock photo. Sam Boal
dublin 1

Hutch family member attacked with a knife by relative last night

The man has been attacked at least five times in the last 12 months.

A MEMBER OF the Hutch family was attacked with a knife by a family member in a domestic incident, has learned.

The man (25) received facial injuries in the Dublin 1 area yesterday evening.

Sources have told this publication that the man, who has been physically attacked by his own family and other associates at least four times in the last 12 months, received a cut to his head.

Altercations between the two men have happened before. Last year, the same two were involved in a fight in a Dublin prison which left one man with a broken jaw.

A garda spokesman confirmed they are investigating the incident.

He said: “Gardaí at Mountjoy are investigating a stabbing incident which occurred at Portland Place, Dublin 1 at approximately 10:30pm last night. A 25-year-old male received non-life threatening injuries during the incident. He was taken to the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital where his injuries are described as non-life threatening. The scene was preserved for a technical examination.

“No arrests have been made and investigations are continuing.”

With reporting by Paul Hosford

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