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fáilte romhat

Blasket Islands and Céide Fields among 4 heritage sites awarded €4.3m

The four Wild Atlantic Way sites were provided the funding by Fáilte Ireland and the OPW.

shutterstock_241320463 The Sleeping Giant, one of the Blasket Islands. Shutterstock Shutterstock

THE BLASKET ISLANDS, the Céide Fields, Inis Mór, and Carrowmore have been given an investment of €4.3 million.

The four heritage sites, located along the Wild Atlantic Way, were given 75% of the funding by Fáilte Ireland, with the remainder provided by the Office of Public Works (OPW).

It’s hoped that the investments will “significantly enhance” the visitor experience and views at these locations, with new exhibitions and major upgrades.

Blasket Island Visitor Centre, Co Kerry

shutterstock_502271269 The Blasket Islands in the distance, seen from the Dingle peninsula. Shutterstock Shutterstock

The total investment of €2.25 million (with Fáilte Ireland grant support of €1.69 million) will see the development of a new signature viewing point and a number of interpretive galleries at the centre, helping “to enhance the visitor experience”.

It is hoped that this investment will lead to a doubling of the visitor numbers at the centre to 100,000.

Céide Fields, Co Mayo

The total investment here is worth €1.15 million, with Fáilte Ireland providing €862,000 of that amount.

The visitor centre will be enhanced with a brand new exhibition and interpretation space to showcase new archaeological material and knowledge about the site and the surrounding area.

Inis Mór in the Aran Islands, Co Galway

shutterstock_1029314095 The Inis Mór cliffs on a cloudy day. Shutterstock / Ponderful Pictures Shutterstock / Ponderful Pictures / Ponderful Pictures

There will be a major upgrade of the existing Visitor Interpretation Centre at Dún Aonghasa and the introduction of interpretative information at other key sites on the Island under the guardianship of the OPW, such as Dún Duchathair.

The total investment is worth €600,000 with the Fáilte Ireland grant support worth €450,000.

Carrowmore, Co Sligo

shutterstock_711633208 Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery in Sligo. Shutterstock / Kelleher Photography Shutterstock / Kelleher Photography / Kelleher Photography

The visitor exhibition at the Megalithic cemetery will be improved and updated with information about the monuments at Carrowmore, as well as the nearby ancient sites at Knocknarea and Carrowkeel.

“This will enable visitors to use the Carrowmore Centre as a hub to explore the archaeology of the area,” according to Fáilte Ireland.

The total investment to the site is worth €350,000, with Fáilte Ireland providing €262,500.

Today’s announcement follows investments of €11.5 million from Fáilte Ireland for 10 key OPW projects in Dublin and within the Ireland’s ‘Ancient East’ region last year.

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