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Evandro Inetti via PA Images
the homeless

Pope Francis will visit Dublin’s Capuchin Day Centre in August

The Pope will visit the centre on the day he arrives – the afternoon of Saturday 25 August.

POPE FRANCIS WILL visit the Capuchin Day Centre as part of his attendance to the World Meeting of Families this August.

Brother Kevin Crowley of the centre told Newstalk Breakfast this morning that the Pope would visit the centre which has fed the homeless for decades during his visit to Ireland.

He said he would visit the centre on the day he arrives – the afternoon of Saturday 25 August.

“I think that’s a huge, huge honour for the people in need and the homeless people.”

He said that the Archbishop Diarmuid Martin was responsible for suggesting that the Pope visit the centre.

“I’m so thankful to Diarmuid Martin for arranging it and [to the Pope] for giving such precious time to the homeless people.

I’m not surprised at that because every time he went, he made a special effort to be involved with the poor.

“He’s a man for the poor, he’s a man of great concern for the underprivileged,” he said, adding that it was important that these people were recognised by the Pope.

The Catholic Church’s World Meeting of Families is held every three years and discusses themes of what it means to be a Catholic family.

Around one fifth of the population have indicated that they would attend the mass to be celebrated by the Pope in Phoenix Park, and over 2,500 people have signed up to volunteer for the festival.

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