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The Daily Poll

Poll: Should rickshaws be banned?

The Transport Minister is set to propose a ban.

TRANSPORT MINISTER SHANE Ross is due to propose a ban on the use of rickshaws in Ireland.

The Irish Times this morning reports that Ross will outline his plans in front of an Oireachtas transport committee meeting later today.

Ross will outline how an outright ban on rickshaws would require fewer resources than attempting to regulate the sector.

Either way, he is due to announce that the status quo will have to change.

In recent years rickshaws have become a prominent feature of the nightlife in Ireland’s major cities.

They have come in for much criticism. Dublin City Council issued a public advisory notice warning of the safety hazards of the vehicles, and a possible ban has been floated.

Others enjoy the rickshaws, seeing them as contributing to a vibrant aspect of city life.

But what do you think?

Today we’re asking, Should rickshaws be banned?

Poll Results:

Yes - ban them (6850)
No - but regulate them (4554)
No - they're fine as is (1623)
Don't know/ care (615)

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