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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, brings you the five biggest stories of the day.

1. #DRUGS: The HSE has launched a new campaign to tackle cocaine and crack cocaine use in the country.

2. #HOUSING: Just two Dublin postcodes have an average house price that is below a quarter of a million euro, according to the latest GeoDirectory report.

3. #WESTMINSTER: Sinn Féin deputy leader Michelle O’Neill has hit back at suggestions her party’s Westminster MPs should take her seat.

4. #CANCELLATIONS: Ryanair has confirmed that it has cancelled 24 flights between Ireland and the UK on Friday due to the ongoing strike by pilots.

5. #DEATH: A postmortem examination will be carried out on the body of a woman who was found in a field in Galway yesterday.

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