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Dublin v Tyrone

Poll: Are you going to watch the All Ireland final today?

It’s a replay of the 1995 final.

THE BIGGEST DAY in the Gaelic football calendar has finally arrived as Jim Gavin’s Dublin will take on Mickey Harte’s Tyrone at 3.30pm in Croke Park.

Dublin are seeking to add further weight to their status as a historically great team by becoming only the fourth ever side to complete a quadruple, while Tyrone are looking to collect Sam Maguire for the fourth time ever.

Dublin are heavily fancied ahead of the clash but Tyrone have never lost an All Ireland final under Harte and several of his former players have testified that the Errigal Ciarán man is a specialist at winning title deciders.

So we’re asking: Will you be watching the All Ireland final today?

Poll Results:

I'll watch it on TV (5160)
No (3623)
I don't know/care (746)
Yes, I'm going to Croke Park (467)

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