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Shankill Road, Belfast Google Maps
Shankill Road

Appeal after reports of Belfast robbery involving two hammer-wielding Halloween masked men

The PSNI received reports of the robbery on the Shankill Road, Belfast at around 9.55am this morning.

POLICE IN NORTHERN Ireland are appealing for witnesses after receiving reports that two men wearing Halloween masks and armed with hammers robbed a premises in Belfast this morning. 

At around 9.55am police received a report that two men wearing Halloween masks and armed with hammers had entered a commercial premises on the Shankill Road and demanded money. 

They then fled the scene with a sum of cash.

There was no one injured in the incident, but the PSNI has said that staff members were left very badly shaken. 

Detective Sergeant Keith Wilson has appealed to anyone who was in the area and noticed any suspicious activity to contact detectives at Musgrave on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference 413 06/10/18. 

Alternatively, information can be provided anonymously to UK Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. 

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