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Over 40,000 Irish Toyota cars recalled due to a number of potential defects

A host of makes and models have been affected.

TOYOTA IRELAND HAS issued thousands of recall notices to drivers across the country due to a raft of potential problems.

All Avensis, Verso, Corollas manufactured between 2002 and 2007 are subject to a voluntary recall. This is due to a fault with the airbag control module. There are nearly 30,000 affected vehicles in Ireland. 

Over 2,000 Toyota Aygos made between July 2005 and December 2013 are also subject to a voluntary recall. 

The risk identified regards the “possibility that the glue holding the glass on the rear door could detach. If this occurs, the glass will only remain attached by one fixation point. Noise, vibration or water entry could be noticed by customer”.

Toyota  Avensis, Corolla, Avensis Verso, Yaris and SC430 manufactured between February 2001 and April 2006 have also been recalled. There are around 6,500 cars in Ireland potentially affected. 

According to the recall notice, the front passenger air bag inflators could rupture at high temperatures. This can “cause metal fragments to pass through the air bag and into the vehicle interior at high speed, which may result in injury or death to vehicle occupants”.

Toyota Ireland said it was sending letters to all those affected by the voluntary recalls. All issues will be fixed free of charge.

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