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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, brings you the five biggest stories of the day.

1. #ROSCOMMON: Gardaí are conducting searches this morning in connection with the violent incident in Roscommon on Sunday morning that was prompted by an eviction.

2. #MUTTER: British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has denied apparently muttering “stupid woman” at Prime Minister Theresa May today

3. #IRISH FERRIES: Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross has said he will ask Irish Ferries to “reverse” the company’s announcement that it may stop sailings between Rosslare and France

4. #LEAVING CERT: Two additional days are being added to the Leaving Certificate examination timetable, the Department of Education has announced.

5. #EXPLOSIVE DEVICE: Two men have been charged and are due in court following the discovery of a suspected explosive device in Navan, Co Meath shortly after midnight on Monday.

Comments are closed as legal proceedings are ongoing in one or more of the above stories. 

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