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birds of a feather

This feathered creature could be the missing link between dinosaurs and birds

The creature is part of Jurassic Skies exhibition at the National Musem of Ireland in Dublin that looks at the evolution of flight. / YouTube

OFTEN THOUGHT OF as the ‘missing link’ between dinosaurs and birds, the Archaeopteryxis was a small dinosaur that had special feathers shaped to catch the wind.

It is the focal point of the Jurassic Skies exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland  -Decorative Arts and History, and tells the story of the evolution of flight and offer visitors the opportunity to view a number of rarely seen fossils. 

“What we do know about those dinosaurs is that they were feathered,” says Paolo Viscardi, Curator of Zoology. 

“So it’s an easy kind of step to make to say that…the first bird was probably a dinosaur.”

Jurassic Skies is a temporary exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland until 24 March 2019.

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