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The Daily Poll

Poll: Should the EU reopen Brexit negotiations with the UK?

Prime Minister Theresa May is heading back to Brussels for further talks.

THE HOUSE OF Commons has voted to back an amendment seeking to replace the Irish backstop with unspecific “alternative arrangements”.

MPs yesterday evening backed supporting new alternatives to avoid a hard border in Ireland which would ditch the backstop altogether with. [For an explainer on the backstop, click here.]

Meanwhile, the EU has ruled out renegotiating the withdrawal agreement it struck with Theresa May’s government.

Sabine Weyand, deputy to EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, said yesterday that Britain risked crashing out of the EU without a deal “by accident” because London can’t decide what it wants.

So, today we’re asking: Should the EU reopen Brexit negotiations with the UK?

Poll Results:

No (11495)
Yes (2929)
I don't know (523)

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