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Some 21% of newly homeless families in Dublin last year were non-EU citizens

A Homeless Action Plan by Dublin City Council is due to be discussed by councillors later today.

SOME 21% OF new families presenting as homeless in Dublin last year were non-EU citizens, according to a new report. 

The Homeless Action Plan by Dublin City Council is due to be discussed by councillors later today.

In 2018, some 92 new families presented as homeless on average for each month, the report noted. 

In terms of the new families presenting, some 67% were Irish-born, some 12% were EU citizens and some 21% were non-EU citizens. 

“The latter group presents a significant challenge to the [Dublin Region Homeless Executive] in terms of their entitlement to housing and welfare provisions,” the report said. 

The report noted that the overall increase in homelessness over the past 30 months has presented “considerable and unprecedented challenges” to the DRHE in terms of responding to these needs.

Homeless emergency accommodation figures for February show that there are now a combined total of 10,264 people homeless and living in emergency accommodation in Ireland, a significant rise of 277 people from January.

The numbers taken over the course of one week in February show that there were 6,480 adults and 3,784 homeless children living in emergency accommodation in the State. 

Some 22 family hubs were developed between 2017 and 2018. However, the report noted that a lack of significant increase in housing supply has been a barrier to people securing alternative accommodation and moving out of homelessness.

Between March 2016 and March 2018, the scale of homelessness in Dublin has increased from 4,300 adults and children to 6,887 adults and children – an increase of 60%, the report outlined. 

Family homelessness has increased from a total of 839 families with 1,723 children to 1,329 families with 2894 children. This is an additional 490 families – an increase of 58%.

The research undertaken by the DRHE on Homeless Families indicates that 48% had lost their private rented accommodation, primarily for notice of terminations being issued by the landlord.

The other significant factor was a change in family circumstances due to overcrowding, a relationship breakdown with a partner or family.

“Families are presenting as homeless due to economic reasons such as unaffordability and the lack of alternate accommodation,” the report said.

The report has also said the council aims to review current systems in place for identified vulnerable groups and their effectiveness in terms of preventing homelessness.

These groups include young people leaving car, prison discharges, former drug users leaving rehabilitation centres and hospital discharges of homeless people. 

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