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Kinahan associate targeted in 18 Dublin-Kildare raids where luxury cars, watches and clothes seized

A 36-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of money laundering.

LAST UPDATE | 1 May 2019

TWO VEHICLES, SEVEN Rolex watches and financial documentation have been seized by authorities investigating the assets of crime gangs.

In total, 18 searches were carried out in Co Kildare and Dublin by the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) and a number of other Garda units targeting the assets of an international organised crime gang involved in the sale and supply of controlled drugs. 

Among the homes and businesses searched were the premises of an associate of the Kinahans, and the home of a relative of a well-known sportsperson.

Items seized and being examined by Bureau officers include documentation relating to the ownership of assets, financial documentation, mobile phones and electronic storage devices.

Officers also found evidence of “considerable expenditure” on a number of homes in the Dublin area has been obtained and analysed by an expert on behalf of CAB.

Seven Rolex watches, a 152 Nissan X-Trail SUV, a 141 Land Rover Discovery, a GPS Tracker, and an assortment of designer clothes were also among the items seized.

A 36-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of money laundering and is currently detained at Irishtown Garda Station under the provisions of Section 4 – Criminal Justice Act 1984.

Today’s search operation is a significant development in the CAB investigation and will be seen as a major upset to the network used by this Organised Crime Gang to launder the proceeds of their drug dealing activities.

- with reporting from Michelle Hennessy 

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