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sunday protest

South Dublin locals have been tying ribbons to trees in protest at the BusConnects plan

Locals say some of the trees are over 120 years old. A protest walk is planned for tomorrow. / YouTube

LOCALS IN BALLSBRIDGE and Donnybrook in Dublin have been tying ribbons to trees in the area in protest at the planned new BusConnects system, which could see radical changes to the road layout in the area to construct a new bus corridor. 

The proposed plan for 16 new bus corridors in and out of the city will necessitate the cutting down of trees, the loss of parking spaces and will also see some property owners losing part of their front garden, the NTA has said. However it’s envisaged it would also see radical reductions in commuting times. 

Fine Gael Councillor Paddy McCartan and his supporters have been tying the red ribbons around trees on Pembroke Road, Merrion Road and Nutley Lane to spread awareness of their potential loss.

“Some of these trees that you see here are over 120 years old,” McCartan said.

So people are very concerned about… They know the beneficial effects of trees on the environment and the loss of such trees.

A spokesperson from the NTA said the first round of public consultation on the plan was ongoing, and that there was a potential impact on trees and portions of gardens and footpaths. The current concept plans would be examined further by design teams over the summer, she said, and submissions from locals will also be examined. 

A second round of public consultation will begin in the autumn.

“Where there is an impact on trees, there’s a number of things we will try and do,” the spokesperson said. “We’ve submitted that we will replace more trees then we will remove in a replanting programme.”

McCartan will be leading a planned protest walk at 3pm this Sunday, from the Merrion Centre to Herbert Park.

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