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Counting underway in Westmeath after ballot papers went missing yesterday

It’s still unclear why delivery of the ballot papers was delayed.

COUNTING HAS COMMENCED in Co Westmeath after local election ballot papers failed to arrive at the local count centre yesterday. 

Ballot papers were separated from the European and referendum votes in Athlone Institute of Technology earlier yesterday afternoon and were due to arrive at the Moate count centre yesterday evening. It’s not yet clear why the ballot papers were delayed. 

After waiting for the votes to arrive, the returning officer at the count centre sent staff home meaning no one was elected to Westmeath County Council last night. 

Local Fianna Fáil councillor Ken Glynn told that counting is now underway but that it is still unclear exactly why the ballot papers were delayed while the Westmeath Independent reports that after yesterday’s “false start” counting has commenced with the first results expected later this afternoon. 

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