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Laganside Crown Court in Belfast Google Street View
orhan kibar

Man sentenced to 13 years in prison over rape of two women in Belfast

The attack took place at a flat in south Belfast on 25 November 2017.

A 43-YEAR-OLD man has been sentenced to 13 years in prison with an extended licence period of three years over the rape of two young women in 2017. 

Orhan Kibar was sentenced today at Laganside Crown Court in Belfast for the rape of the two women on 25 November 2017. 

He will also be subject to a sexual offences prevention order for 10 years after his release, as well as indefinite notification requirements. 

During the attack which took place at a flat in south Belfast, Kibar locked one of the women in a bathroom. She later escaped and managed to raise the alarm. 

“Rape is one of the most serious crimes and this prolonged attack by Kibar on two young women would have been terrifying. It will undoubtedly have a significant and lasting impact on them,” PSNI Detective Sergeant Graeme McArthur said. 

He added that “both victims displayed tremendous courage in coming forward to police”. 

“I welcome the sentence handed down by the judge today. Whilst this will not undo what Kibar did to these two young females, he is now in custody for his crimes,” McArthur said. 

“I hope this will encourage other victims to report offences to police and be assured that we will treat you with the utmost professionalism and sensitivity.” 

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