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fresh face

RTÉ announces new Nationwide presenter following retirement of Mary Kennedy

The next season of the show will air in 2020.

blathnaid-ni-chofaigh-to-join-rte-nationwide-team-171019 RTÉ RTÉ

TELEVISION PRESENTER BLÁTHNAID Ní Chofaigh has been unveiled as the new face of RTÉ’s Nationwide.

She will take over from the show’s long-time presenter Mary Kennedy, who left the broadcaster after marking her 65th birthday earlier this month.

Her duties will begin when the show starts its new season in January 2020, and she will report alongside current co-presenter and former newscaster Anne Cassin.

Commenting on her new role, Ní Chofaigh said she was looking forward to meeting people from around the country who will share their stories with RTÉ.

“I’m so pleased to take on the role, following the wonderful Mary Kennedy, especially on a programme that is such a firm favourite with so many viewers and shares such positivity,” she said.

The show, which is broadcast three days a week on RTÉ One, attracts an average audience of 250,000 people.

Now in its 26th year, it was first fronted by Michael Ryan, with Kennedy joining the production in 2004.

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