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Leah Farrell/
The Daily Poll

Poll: Do you have confidence in housing minister Eoghan Murphy?

Last night, Eoghan Murphy narrowly survived a confidence motion in the Dáil.

LAST NIGHT THE Dáil voted – narrowly – against a motion of no confidence in housing minister Eoghan Murphy. 

The motion was defeated by 56 to 53 votes, with 35 abstentions. 

Fianna Fáil abstained from the vote, while TDs Michael Lowry, Noel Grealish and former minister Denis Naughten voted with the government. 

During the debate, the government’s Rebuilding Ireland programme came in for strong and sustained criticism. 

Solidarity-People Before Profit and Rise TD Paul Murphy compared Murphy to Boris Johnson, while Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald accused the government of being out of touch. 

Yesterday, before the vote, the latest homeless figures were released. For the first time, homeless figures have increased to over 10,500.

So what do you think? Do you have confidence in Eoghan Murphy?

Poll Results:

No (10546)
Yes (2455)
I don't know (623)

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