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DMG Media launches €1 million advertising fund for small businesses

Throughout the fund, 200 small businesses will be given a tailored advertising package worth €5,000 each.

MEDIA BRANDS PUBLISHER DMG Media Ireland has announced a €1 million advertising fund for small businesses hit by the fallout of the Covid-19 crisis. 

Throughout this support fund, 200 small businesses will be given a tailored advertising package worth €5,000 each. 

The adverts will run across DMG Media Ireland’s titles including the Irish Daily Mail, the Irish Mail on Sunday,, Evoke, and MailOnline. 

The publisher said the free advertising campaigns will encourage people across the country to support their local small businesses – those that are still operating and those who are hoping to open safely once restrictions are eased. 

The fund will be open to small businesses on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to certain criteria. 

“This is a very challenging time for most businesses and we at DMG Media Ireland are supporting small businesses, who are the backbone of the economy in this country,” DMG Media Ireland CEO Paul Henderson said. 

The fund, called ‘Shop Ireland’, is being supported by Ibec’s Small Firms Association (SFA), which represents small and family-run businesses with less than 50 employees. 

Director of SFA Sven Spollen-Behrens said: “As well as being open to businesses that are still operating during the lockdown period, we are also keen that other businesses, such as health and beauty, small hospitality, retailers and gyms, would be able to avail of this ‘Shop Ireland’ support. 

“These are the companies that are hurting most right now but when they can open again they will have this advertising boost across DMG Media Ireland platforms.” 

Small businesses who wish to apply for the fund can do so here

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