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Senator Mark Daly Screengrab/Oireachtas TV

Fianna Fáil Senator Mark Daly has been elected Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann

Daly is succeeding Senator Dennis O’Donovan in the role.

FIANNA FÁIL SENATOR Mark Daly has been elected Cathaoirleach of the Seanad this afternoon. 

The Cathaoirleach chairs the Seanad and presides impartially over the business and proceedings of the House. The Cathaoirleach also represents Seanad Éireann at international meetings. 

Daly is succeeding Senator Dennis O’Donovan in the role. He was elected with 46 votes to six.

Daly was elected this afternoon as the Seanad met at the Dublin Convention Centre, a temporary Dáil chamber which allows for social distancing. 

He was nominated for the position of Cathaoirleach by Senator Lisa Chambers. This was seconded by Senator O’Donovan.

On Saturday, Taoiseach Micheál Martin announced his 11 nominees to be appointed to the Seanad. 

His nominees include politicians from the three government parties: Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and The Green Party. 

Regina Doherty, who was Minister for Social Protection in the last government will be the Leader of the Seanad. The other nominees can be read here

A number of TDs who lost their Dáil seats in February’s election secured Seanad seats in March, including former Fianna Fáil TDs Lisa Chambers and Malcolm Byrne. 

The former government Chief Whip, Fine Gael’s Sean Kyne, was also elected at the time along with former Fine Gael county councillor John McGahon. 

With reporting by Conor McCrave and Michelle Hennessy

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