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Center Parcs Ireland via Facebook
Level 3

Center Parcs Longford closing until 30 October as Level 3 restrictions kick in

A statement from the company apologised to all those who had plans to visit in the coming weeks.

CENTER PARCS IRELAND has announced it is closing its Longford venue until 30 October at the earliest in light of the new Level 3 restrictions. 

It emerged last night that the whole nation is to go to Level 3 – meaning that people are not allowed to travel outside their county. 

As the majority of Center Parcs custom is coming from people outside Longford, the decision was made to shut the venue. 

A statement from the company apologised to all those who had plans to visit in the coming weeks. 

“We know that this will be disappointing news but given the advice for people to remain within their county, we do not feel it would be practical or appropriate to remain open. The safety and wellbeing of our guests and staff is our absolute priority and we feel that this decision supports the government’s guidelines,” it read. 

All those who were due to visit Center Parcs will be contacted by staff where a new date can be arranged or a full refund can be given.

There are also families who will have to cut short their trips because the restrictions are kicking in at midnight today. They too will be reimbursed. 

The statement added: “We will be in contact to move your break to a different date or arrange a full refund as soon as we can, for guests due to arrive on the following dates:

  • 9 October
  • 12 October
  • 16 October
  • 19 October
  • 23 October
  • 26 October

“As we’re sure you appreciate, our Contact Centre team are working hard to process these changes as quickly as possible and we would ask you to wait for us to contact you, rather than calling us directly. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding in these exceptional circumstances.”

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