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Fifteen deaths and 548 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed in Northern Ireland

The Department of Health has provided an update on case numbers.

NORTHERN IRELAND HAS confirmed a further 548 cases of Covid-19 in its latest update this afternoon.

Additionally, 15 more people have died with Covid-19 in the North, bringing the total number of Covid-19 deaths in the North to 825.

The standing total of Covid-19 cases since the first outbreak of the virus in the North is 45,241.

Northern Ireland’s current 7-day average rate of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 of the population is 203; the rate for the previous 7 days was 235. You can see how many positive Covid-19 tests there are per area in the past seven days here

A third Stormont Executive meeting in three days broke up last night without consensus emerging.

Ministers will resume discussions today, less than 24 hours before regulations lapse, with many businesses in the dark on whether they will be able to reopen.

With reporting from Gráinne Ní Aodha.

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