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Texas Senator Ted Cruz Reynolds Stefani/CNP/ABACA
cruz control

Texas Senator Ted Cruz calls trip to Mexico during winter storm a 'mistake'

Since returning, Cruz said that he first began to have second thoughts when he sat down on the plane.

US SENATOR TED Cruz returned to his home state of Texas yesterday, calling his trip to Mexico during a winter storm that left millions without power or running water a “mistake”.

The move by the Republican senator has sparked criticism from his political opposition in Texas, who argued that he should resign.

Since his return, Cruz has said that he regretted travelling and that he would not have done it had he known the backlash it would cause.

“In hindsight, if I had understood how it would be perceived, the reaction people would have had, obviously I wouldn’t have done it,” said Cruz in an interview with ABC News.

“I started having second thoughts, really as I sat down on the plane, as I started leaving.”

Cruz first travelled to Cancun in Mexico on Wednesday, with photos on social media showing him arriving at the local airport.

Cruz’s previous statement released yesterday said that he had initially travelled to Mexico at the request of his daughters.

“With school cancelled for the week, our girls asked to take a trip with friends. Wanting to be a good dad, I flew down with them last night and am flying back this afternoon.”

According to reports by CBS News, this is in direct contract to sources that say the Republican senator was scheduled to return on Saturday, with his wife and children.

Currently, 34 people have died due to the storm, with 20 victims in Texas. As of yesterday evening, there are still over 185,000 households without power across the state.

cruz-texas Protestors gather outside Ted Cruz's home Marie D. De Jesús Marie D. De Jesús

Protestors gathered outside the home of Cruz yesterday, calling for the senator to resign in the wake of his trip to Cancun.

Democratic political opponent and chair of the Texas Democratic Party, Gilberto Hinojosa, said that the senator to either resign or be expelled from his office.

“Ted Cruz had already proven to be an enemy to our democracy by inciting an insurrection. Now he is proving to be an enemy to our state by abandoning us in our greatest time of need,” said Hinojosa.

For the 21st time, the Texas Democratic Party calls on Ted Cruz to resign or be expelled from office.
Additional reporting by Press Association 

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