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A woman walks past a mural by Emmalene Blake in Dublin's city centre quoting a song title by Irish band Inhaler. PA
The Daily Poll

Poll: Should the easing of restrictions be based on set vaccination targets?

Denmark plans to reopen society once all over 50s are vaccinated.

DENMARK ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY that it is to gradually reopen most of society over a two month period once everyone over 50 years old is vaccinated.

In the country of 5.8 million inhabitants, the numbers of new cases are one-fourth of what was recorded in December when the government decided to lockdown, in contrast to other European countries currently seeing rising cases again.

In Denmark, 5.4% of the population has currently been fully vaccinated and 10.9% has received a first dose. The country has been credited with well-oiled logistics and a swift campaign in nursing homes, where almost everyone who wanted a vaccine had received one by the middle of January. The country also attributes the strong start to its universal healthcare system, governed by easily-mobilised local regions.

Ireland has yet to announce a reopening plan to the scale of Denmark, and no firm dates have been set for easing of specific restrictions. It’s understood that a cautious approach to easing restrictions will be adopted next week, with any loosening of restrictions to be minimal and possibly on a phased basis across April.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said yesterday that he would not speculate on whether any restrictions will be eased next week, stating that the key objective now is to “avoid a fourth wave”. Martin did say the government will consider the fact that more vulnerable groups are vaccinated when deciding on the level of restrictions. 

The health service says Ireland has the infrastructure in place for the vaccine rollout but the sticking point, it says, is the unreliable supply of vaccine doses.

So, today we’re asking: Should the easing of restrictions be based on set vaccination targets?

Poll Results:

Yes, gradual reopening once over 70s are fully vaccinated (4189)
Yes, gradual reopening once over 50s are fully vaccinated (4155)
No, steady the course (1708)

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