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Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer. Leah Farrell/

Coronavirus: 465 new cases confirmed in Ireland

The Department of Health confirmed the latest figures this afternoon.

LAST UPDATE | 3 Jun 2021

PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS have reported a further 465 cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

The Department of Health said there are 84 people in hospital being treated for Covid-19, with 30 of those patients in intensive care units.

These figures come as the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) asked NPHET to extend the period of presumptive Covid-19 immunity from six months to nine months.

Data relating to the number of deaths associated with Covid-19, as well as case numbers by county, have been affected by the cyber attack on the HSE IT systems. 

Today’s figures did not contain any information about whether there were any other deaths due to the virus.

Yesterday, there were 407 Covid-19 cases confirmed in Ireland. A total of 93 patients were in hospital, 34 of whom were in ICU.

Last night, the government also extended the emergency powers legislation introduced during the pandemic. This legislation allows the continuation of restrictions on travel and social gatherings until at least November.

The incidence rate in Limerick remains high at 411 cases per 100,000, with a “significant increase” of cases in the county, the chief medical officer said.

Dr Tony Holohan said it is “extremely important that everyone in the Limerick region continues to adhere to the public health advice”.

Tweet by @Dr Tony Holohan Dr Tony Holohan / Twitter Dr Tony Holohan / Twitter / Twitter

“Please avoid crowds, wear a mask where appropriate, wash your hands, maintain your social distance, socialiser outdoors and, most importantly, if you display any symptoms of Covid-19 or suspect you are a close contact of a confirmed case then attend a test centre for a free test,” he said.

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