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The town of Leucate on the coast of southern France: Local media said the woman swept away by strong currents. Shutterstock/nito

Consular assistance being provided to family after Irish woman drowns in France

The 43-year-old woman and her husband both got into difficulty due to strong currents, according to local media.

THE DEPARTMENT OF Foreign Affairs has confirmed that it is providing consular assistance to the family of an Irish woman who drowned in France over the weekend.

The 43-year-old woman drowned on Friday, 18 June in the seaside town of Leucate in the Aude region, local media reported.

It is understood the woman had been residing in the nearby city of Perpignan.

According to L’Indpendant, the woman and her husband got into difficulty along an unsupervised stretch of beach where currents were reportedly strong.

Passersby are said to have alerted emergency services after the woman’s husband managed to get her back to shore. Efforts to resuscitate the woman were unsuccessful. 

The Department of Foreign Affairs said that all possible consular assistance is being provided to the woman’s family. 

“In line with our consular policy, it would not be appropriate to disclose details of our engagement on a consular case,” a department spokesperson added. 

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