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The Daily Poll

Poll: Will you get a Covid-19 booster vaccine when it's made available to you?

The government has approved a recommendation to rollout booster vaccines for healthcare workers.

HEALTH MINISTER STEPHEN Donnelly yesterday approved a recommendation to rollout booster vaccines for healthcare workers. 

The National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) has advised that the mRNA vaccines Pfizer & Moderna can be used regardless of the initial vaccine course – meaning healthcare workers who got AstraZeneca as their first dose can avail of an mRNA booster dose.

Booster vaccines are to be rolled out to more than 800,000 people aged over 60 starting from this week. Those aged between 60-69 will get their booster shot at a mass vaccination centre, while GPs will administer the jabs to those aged between 70-79.

Booster shots have already been offered to those aged over 80, people in residential care aged over 65, and those who may be immunocompromised.

So, today we want to know… Will you get a Covid-19 booster vaccine when it’s made available to you?

Poll Results:

Yes (12077)
No (2288)
No, I haven't received the initial vaccine (905)
I'm not sure / no opinion (829)

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