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emergency recall

Amazon issues emergency recall of baby teether due to suffocation fears

Around 40 of these products were sold in Ireland.

AMAZON HAS ISSUED an emergency recall of a baby teether due to a high-risk of suffocation. 

The public is being urged to stop using the ‘Mushroom teether for babies’ which was sold on the Amazon website. 

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) issued a statement alerting consumers to the emergency measure product recall notice by Amazon.

The product was sold under several names including “relating to the ‘Mushroom Teether Toys for Newborn Babies, Toddlers, Infants, Relieve Sor Gum – BPA-Free Chew Toy”.

The affected products were listed on the Amazon website since 24 September 2021, with around 40 of them sold in the Republic of Ireland.

The CCPC is urging consumers who may have purchased one of these products, or receive one as a gift to discontinue use immediately and contact Amazon for further details of what to do next.

This high-risk status recall is being carried out across a number of European countries due to a serious safety risk, where the mushroom head of the baby soother can flip around creating a very tight suction and cause suffocation of infants, babies and toddlers, the CCPC said. 

This recall represents the first emergency measure notice of 2022, a safety warning status reserved for extremely high-risk products, including those that pose a serious fatality risk.

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