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Irish dancing

Irish dancing body to commission strategic review but opts not to remove chair

An Coimisiún le Rinci Gaelacha was rocked by allegations of ‘feis-fixing’ earlier this year.

THE GOVERNING BODY for Irish dancing has voted down a motion proposing that the chairperson step down and be replaced with an interim chair, several months after allegations of “feis-fixing” rocked the Irish dance community.

An Coimisiún le Rinci Gaelacha has, however, voted in favour of a strategic review of the organisation, its organisational structures and its constitution.

Some 56 delegates from across the world this evening attended an extraordinary general meeting of the Coimisiún where a motion requesting that its chairperson, James McCutcheon, stand down and an interim chair installed until fresh elections can take place.

The motion was defeated with 34.5% of delegates voting in favour and 65.5% against.

However, a motion to commission a strategic review of the Comisiún, its constitution and “entire organisational structure including all share and stakeholders and financial report”, passed with 98% in favour.

The review will be carried out by an “independent reputable and important change management consultant firm” with “relevant professional expertise.

Delegates also voted overwhelmingly in favour of an internal review of the body’s adjudication and competition rules and regulations and disciplinary procedures.

The motion stated this review would seek to “address risks, complaints processes and highlight any deficiencies or flaws and make recommendations to ensure the fairness and protection of Irish dance competitors worldwide.”

The Irish Independent reported earlier this year that some judges were allegedly fixing competition results following requests to favour certain candidates.

A CLRG spokesperson said today: “CLRG is working hard to restore faith and rebuild trust in the organisation following the events of recent months. This is being undertaken with the utmost seriousness and determination which have been reinforced by the votes of the EGM today.”

“The EGM has provided elected delegates, representing registrants across the world, with a platform for open and constructive discussion of the challenges our organisation faces.”

“The result of the private ballot provides a clear mandate on the direction the organisation will now take moving forward. CLRG is fully committed to introducing the changes that have been agreed.”

“We look forward to updating members on our progress and to reconvening at our January CLRG meeting.”

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