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The Daily Poll

Poll: Do you think restaurants should have to display calorie counts on menus?

The issue has reemerged after Health Minister Simon Harris revealed plans to introduce a calorie count law before the end of the year.

THE IDEA HAS been floated many times over the years but restaurants may finally be forced to display the calorie count of the food they serve.

Health Minister Simon Harris first said he would introduce the measure when he launched an obesity policy action plan shortly after he took over the Department of Health in 2016.

The Wicklow politician told RTÉ’S Operation Transformation programme last week that he now plans to publish the legislation by the end of the year.

However the move is likely to be met with stiff opposition from the restaurant industry, as it has been in the past.

“This is about giving consumers information and that is surely a good thing and should be embraced,” Minister Harris told The Irish Daily Mail this week.

The reemergence of the issue has, once again, sparked a debate online about whether it is a good idea.

So today we’re asking: Do you think restaurants should have to display calorie counts on menus?

Poll Results:

Yes (6960)
No (5402)
I don't know (296)

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